All of the same powerful content you know and love, now delivered in an even smarter way. You'll be well on your way to better grades in no time!

Login Portal

Teachers and School Users

If you're using SchoolOnline with your School or you're a teacher with SchoolOnline Classroom, this portal is where you need to login!

What's new?

We're now SchoolOnline Classroom! All of the same powerful content with brand new teacher tools, marking workflows, student and teacher dashboards, interactive questions and much more!

How do I log in?

1. Click the button above
2. Students- Login with your username and password provided by your teacher.
3. Teachers - Login with your email address and your password.

Home Users

If you have a SchoolOnline login (that is not provided through your school) you need to click the button below to get started!

What's new?

With SchoolOnline you'll have access to a brand new personalised dashboard, interactive and auto-marked questions, search functionality and MUCH, much more!

How do I log in?

1. Click the button above to get started.
2. Enter your email address and password.

Don't forget that you're username is your email address!

We're here to help!

Are you having trouble logging on? Need some support with how to use our new features? Don't worry, we've got you covered. There's a number of ways you can get support with our new platform.

If you can't find the answers you're looking for in the user guides below, you can always message our live helpdesk and one of our customer service team will be on hand to assist you.

Just look for the green bubble in the right hand corner of your login portal.

Home Users

School Users
